
MMAA has four lunch meetings each year, all starting at noon, and while locations have varied, for the last few years we’ve followed the following time and location format with a few favored locations:

  • Our winter meeting is in February and for the last few years has been virtual, in part for convenience, as we’d otherwise meet in Annapolis to discuss legislation.  In the end, a virtual meeting avoids parking complaints and is easier on MML and other staff to use zoom to provide us with quick updates.  The focus is on the General Assembly session and we normally have updates from the MML Legislative Director and other staff.

  • Our Spring meeting is in May.  We have traditionally met just across the Bay Bridge at Kent Narrows, at Fisherman’s Inn.  It’s a member favorite and they do a fairly good job in accommodating us.  We have had topical presentations such as on open meetings and public information, but more typically have presentations from judges, such as Judge Gregory Wells, Chief Judge of the Maryland Appellate Court.

  • Our Summer meeting is in June, where we meet at the MML Summer Convention in Ocean City, typically that Monday.  Due to the informality and location, we often host a roundtable discussion or short less formal presentations.

  • Our Fall meeting is in late October or early November.  It has for the last several years been joint with the County Attorneys, and for the last few years has been held at Carrol’s Creek Café in Annapolis, which has done well in handling our meetings and also provides parking on site.

Next Meeting:  Monday, June 24 at Noon, Ocean City Summer Convention – meeting at Dough Roller Restaurant (in front of the Convention Center)

We have traditionally had a Monday lunch at noon in the convention center.  Usually it’s a roundtable for us to speak with each other in what is sometimes a fairly busy day.  This year, MML did not allow space for departments (such as ours) to have lunch, but we have made arrangements at the restaurant which is directly in front of the convention center – the Dough Roller.   We will have a separate room in the back of the restaurant as well.

I only need RSVPs so that we can let Dough Roller how many to expect.  And while I don’t need selections in advance, if you do have any choices, they can be better prepared.  Contact Secretary Frank Johnson at if you didn’t receive an email RSVP request.

Meeting Minutes

Date: February 22, 2024